HKU DASC7606 Review

  1. Motivation and Machine Learning
    • The story behind Deep Learning (the imitation game)
    • Supervised Learning, Classification & Regression Problems
    • Linear Regression & Gradient Descent (Loss Function)
    • Logistic Regression & Classification (Sigmoid)
    • Performance Measures of Prediction
    • Multi-classification (Softmax)
  2. Neural Network Basics
    • The Perceptron and Deep Neural Networks
    • Power of NN: Computing Logic Functions and Arbitrary Functions
    • Backpropagation
    • Techniques to Improve Training
      • Learning Rate: Adam
      • Activation Functions: Sigmoid, Tanh, ReLU, ReLU-like, Softmax
      • Overfitting: Weight Regularisation, Dropout, Early Stopping
      • Mini Batches: Mini-batch SGD
      • Learning Curve: Bias and Variance
  3. Computer Vision - CNN & ResNet
    • CNN
    • ImageNet: AlexNet 2012, ZFNet 2013, VGNet 2014, GoogLeNet 2014, ResNet 2015, ReduNet 2022
    • Visualizing and Understanding CNN
    • Object Localization
    • Object Detection
      • Sliding Windows
      • R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, YOLO
    • Semantic Segmentation
      • Mask R-CNN
      • U-Net
    • DeepDream and Image Style Transfer
    • Adversatial Images
  4. Deep Generative Models
    • Autoencoders (with flu example and short diversion on network distillation)
    • VAE: Variational Autoencoder
    • GAN: Generative Adversarial Network
    • Extensions of GAN: VAEGAN, C-GAN, Pix2Pix, CycleGAN
  5. Natural Language Processing - Transformer & ChatGPT
    • RNN and LSTM
    • Language Model: Next word prediction
    • Word Embeddings
      • Term-context Matrix, Co-occurrence Matrix
      • One Hot Vector, BOW, TF-IDF, Word2Vec(CBOW, Skip-gram), GloVe
      • Evaluation of Word Vectors
      • ELMo
    • Machine Translation, Seq2Seq and Facebook's CNN
    • Transformer - Attention
    • BERT
    • LLM, GPT, ChatGPT
    • LLM and Finetuning (LORA), Text-to-image (Clip, Stable Diffusion)
  6. Deep Reinforcement Learning
    • Reinforcement Learning, Markov Decision Process, Q-Learning
    • DQN and its variants
    • Policy Learning, AlphaGo, AlphaGo Zero
    • New Developments in Deep RL
  7. Deep Issues in AI