Modern Cryptography Notes

Lecutre 1: Introduction

Crypto Use Cases:

  • Single use key
  • Multi use key

Things to remember, Cryptography is:

  • A tremendous tool
  • The basis for many security machanisms

Cryptography is not:

  • The solution to all security problems
  • Reliable unless implemented and used properly
  • Something you should try to invent yourself (many exmaples of broken ad-hoc designs)

Crypto Core

  1. Secret key establishment
  2. Secure communication

A rigorous science. The three steps in cryptography:

  1. Precisely specify threat model
  2. Propose a construction
  3. Prove that breaking constrcution under threat mode will solve an underlying hard problem

History: "The code breakers" David Kahn

Few Historic Exmaples (all badly broken)

  1. Substitution cipher
    1. Use frequency of English Letters: "e", "t", "a"
    2. Use frequency of pairs of letters (digrams): "he", "an", "in", "th"
  2. Vigener cipher
  3. Rotor Machines
    • the Hebern machine - single rotor
    • the Enigma - 3~5 rotors
  4. Data Encryption Standard
    • DES: #key = 2^56, block size = 64 bits
    • Today: AES(2001), Salsa20(2008), ...

Discrete Probability

U: finite set, (Def)probability distribution P over U as a function P

Events: for a set AU:Pr[A]=xAP(x)[0,1]A \subseteq U: Pr[A] = \sum_{x \in A}^{P(x)} \in [0, 1], the set A is called event.

The union bound: for events A1 and A2, Pr[A1 union A2] <= Pr[A1] + Pr[A2]

Random variables

The uniform random variable

Randomized algorithms


XOR, Thm: Y a rand. var. over U, X and indep. uniform var. on U; then Z := Y XOR X is uniform var. on U.

The birthday paradox: whenn=1.2U1/2thenPr[i!=j:ri=ij]>=1/2when n = 1.2 * |U|^{1/2} then Pr[\exists i != j: r_i = i_j] >= 1/2